Cashback tracking top tips

We can’t guarantee Cashback for all your purchases made via ShopBack because it depends on factors such as whether we were able to track your store visit and how successfully you followed the store’s terms and conditions. But we can guide you with our top tips to help you navigate this process better.

Best practices

Follow these tips to ensure successful Cashback tracking.

  • When shopping online, always start your shopping journey on ShopBack. Click through ShopBack, then redirect to the store.
  • Use incognito or private browsing mode when possible.
  • Don’t open other web pages or links after you’ve clicked through ShopBack. This includes search sites, discount sites, social media, etc.
  • Don’t click on other advertisement banners or links on the store’s page.
  • Disable your ad block software.
  • Make sure the ShopBack app and the store’s app (if applicable) is updated to the latest version.
  • Always check the store’s terms and conditions for Cashback before buying.

Check Cashback rates for each store

Cashback rates and eligibility for the same store can vary depending on whether you’re using ShopBack via app or web. Be sure to read the store’s terms and conditions to get the full details.

For appFor web

When you visit a store through our app, you’ll see Cashback Info located at the bottom of the screen. Tap to see the full Cashback info.


Cashback calculation and tracking

How we calculate Cashback

We calculate Cashback based on the Cashback rates displayed on each store on our website or app. 


5% Cashback on a $100 purchase will give you $5 Cashback.

But be sure to read through the terms and conditions for every store since they may have different requirements. 


Most stores don’t count shipping fees or taxes as a part of the Cashback equation.

How we track Cashback

If you’ve started your shopping trip on ShopBack, we track your order using cookies. We do this by dropping a tracking cookie in your purchase so we can identify if you qualify for Cashback.

Check and understand Cashback status

Your order can take up to 48 hours to show up as Pending in your account. When we’re able to successfully validate your purchase, the status will turn from Pending to Confirmed. The time varies depending on your purchase, so check your Cashback info for more details.

Where to check your Cashback details

To check your Cashback details, simply click or tap on your Lifetime earnings.

Different statuses and what they mean

Pending, Confirmed, Rejected - all of these statuses may be confusing if you’re new to ShopBack. Here’s our handy Cashback glossary to help you figure out what your Cashback status means.

Why Cashback confirmation takes time

Our partner stores need to:

  • Carefully review and validate your purchase.
  • Wait a cooling period to check that items were not cancelled, returned or exchanged.
  • Check that you’ve bought from them using ShopBack.

Checking some of this can take awhile and it varies from store to store. We understand it can be frustrating to wait and we appreciate your patience.

Check why your bonus Cashback is pending

Check the store’s terms and conditions to see that you’ve met all the requirements for bonus Cashback.

Usually, the requirements are as below:

  • Earn $10 confirmed Cashback
  • Update your withdrawal details

You should have the Cashback confirmed in 5 days if you’ve met all the requirements.

Things to note

Some of our partner stores may not give Cashback for certain payment methods. But this should all be stated on the Cashback Info, so be sure to give it a read.

Missing Cashback and what to do

If your Cashback is missing, don’t worry. Here’s how to report your missing Cashback.

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