Unable to verify account

I can’t verify my ShopBack account. What should I do?

You encounter this issue when trying to sign up or when you request email validation in order to access a service such as Cashback withdrawal.

What you can try

Check that the email address you gave is correct and your email service is not blocking us.

Is there a typo in the email?

Make sure you’ve typed in your registered email correctly. (Although it seems impossible, it’s surprisingly common.)

Did you try refreshing your email?

Sometimes, you need to manually refresh your web browser or email app.

Is ShopBack blocked from sending you emails?

We hope this isn’t the case, but you may need to check and see that ShopBack hasn’t been blocked. Different email service providers have different ways of finding and unblocking accounts:

If none of these work, try changing the registered email address to a new one.

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